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Criminal Justice Sunday


Criminal Justice Sunday


Criminal Justice Sunday is another major event at Gethsemane. Until recently, when the Criminal Justice Division of the Presbyterian Church (USA) was cut due to lack of funds, the second Sunday in February was always designated as Criminal Justice Sunday. The Church of Gethsemane and the Presbytery of New York City continue this tradition. Criminal Justice Sunday at Gethsemane is set aside for a special worship service that includes liturgy, scripture, prayer, and a sermon relating to prison and re-entry ministry, criminal justice reform, and other issues relating to incarcerated persons and formerly incarcerated persons. A Litany for Justice is read by formerly incarcerated persons who are members of our congregation. After the worship service, there is a program with speakers and invited guests, including families of our Project Connect Members.

For resources for Criminal Justice Sunday go to and order copies of Justice Jottings from Marketplace. You may also contact the Council on Witness in Society and the World at the Presbytery of NYC 212-870-2221 for a booklet of resources or contact The Church of Gethsemane.